Woodstock Fair (Woodstock Agricultural Society)

Woodstock Fair (Woodstock Agricultural Society)

Woodstock Fair (7) Woodstock Agricultural Society

Premises ID: ON4232704

Civic Address: 875 Nellis St, Woodstock, ON N4S 8Z9, Canada
GPS: 43.1341809 -80.7388575

Phone: 519-537-8212, Fax: 519-537-3349

Email: info@woodstockfairgrounds.com

Website: woodstockfairgrounds.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/WoodstockFairgroundsandAgriculturalSociety

Instagram: https://instagram.com/woodstockfairsmbassador

The Woodstock Fair is an annual event where city and country meet. This year the theme is Harvest Daze. We are still in the midst of planning. Watch our Facebook page, website and Instagram page for updates.

Robin Newton Smith, Ag Society Manager

875 Nellis Street, Woodstock, ON, N4S 4C6

info@woodstockfairgrounds.com 519-537-8212